What Do Workers Think of Their Staff Facilities? Full Survey Data
Ensuring suitable workplace amenities for employees is a fundamental obligation for employers. As a leading provider of high-quality accommodation solutions, we recognise the importance of maintaining safe and well-maintained working environments.
A new survey from Bunkabin has shown that, while the majority of workers believe their workplace is a safe place to work, there are still improvements that can be made, particularly when it comes to toilet facilities and staff rooms.
Majority of workers believe their workplace is safe
The survey results indicate that most workers are content with the safety and upkeep of their workplace. An impressive 91% of workers believe that their workplace provides a safe working environment, with only 6% expressing the opposite opinion - 3% were uncertain. This demonstrates that employers are largely successful in maintaining health and safety standards, ensuring that their staff feel safe in their work surroundings.
Additionally, 89% of the surveyed workers perceive their work building to be in good repair, while 11% hold an opposing view. Of those who considered their workplace to be in disrepair, the survey highlighted three key areas that received the most complaints:
Firstly, 18% of respondents reported issues with dampness in their work environment. Damp conditions can have a detrimental effect on both the physical and mental wellbeing of employees, potentially leading to respiratory problems and discomfort over a prolonged period of time.
Secondly, 13% expressed dissatisfaction with poorly fitted windows. This problem can lead to drafts, reduced insulation and potential security risks. Inadequate windows not only compromise the comfort of employees but also impact energy efficiency, potentially resulting in higher utility costs.
Lastly, 7% voiced concerns about uneven flooring. Uneven surfaces can pose a significant risk of trips, slips and falls, resulting in injuries.
Most workers find key areas in a workplace to be clean
Overall, the findings reveal that the majority of respondents hold a positive view regarding the cleanliness of key areas within their workplace, highlight the efforts made by employers to maintain a hygienic environment.
While all areas were regarded to be clean or very clean, toilets were reportedly the cleanest area with 78% of respondents expressing satisfaction with this area. This was followed by staff rooms (77%), floors and stairways (76%) and the premises, furniture and fittings (75%).
It is worth noting that only a small percentage of participants, namely 3% for floors and stairs, and 4% for premises, furniture and fittings, toilets and the staff room, rated these areas as dirty or very dirty. While these figures are relatively low, they still serve as important feedback for employers to address areas where improvements are needed.
Almost half of workers don’t have a staff room
ata shows that a significant portion of workers, comprising 43%, reported that they do not have access to a dedicated staff room. This finding raises concerns as staff rooms play a vital role in providing employees with a designated space for relaxation, breaks and social interactions.
On the other hand, the survey also indicated that 57% of workers do have access to a staff room. This indicates that a majority of employers understand the importance of providing such facilities to their workforce. Staff rooms offer a sanctuary within the workplace, allowing employees to recharge and rejuvenate during their breaks, fostering a positive work environment and enhancing overall job satisfaction.
The data underscores the need for employers to assess the availability and accessibility of staff rooms within their organisations. For the 43% of workers who currently lack access to a staff room, it may be beneficial for employers to consider the potential of establishing such a space. By providing employees with a dedicated area for relaxation and socialisation, employers can contribute to their wellbeing.
Most sought-after additions to staff rooms
When asked about the most sought-after additions to staff communal areas, the following answers emerged as the most popular choices:

Among the top choices, 28% of respondents indicated a strong desire for tea and coffee making facilities, while 15% want access to food and appliances, including microwaves and toasters. This indicates that workers find it important to have access to store and prepare drinks, meals or snacks during breaks, promoting convenience and a healthy work-life balance.
Other notable preferences were to have a TV in the staff room, with 8% of respondents expressing interest, while 4% want some form of music or audio entertainment. Furthermore, 6% of workers desire a sofa and comfy chairs. Providing staff with the means to unwind and recharge during breaks, as well as entertainment, will help to create a pleasant atmosphere.
Lastly, it is significant to note that 3% of workers specifically mentioned the importance of having access to water, serving as a reminder for employers to provide clean and easily accessible water sources to promote the wellbeing and health of their employees.
Quarter of workplaces don’t have separate toilet facilities for men and women
The survey results have revealed a concern regarding the availability of separate toilet facilities for men and women in workplaces. Alarmingly, the data indicates that 26% of surveyed workers are not provided with separate facilities for genders. This finding raises concerns regarding compliance with the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, which clearly state that employers should provide adequate separate toilet facilities for their employees whenever feasible.
The provision of separate toilet facilities for men and women is crucial for ensuring privacy, dignity and hygiene in the workplace. It promotes a comfortable and inclusive environment, addressing the specific needs of each gender. By not meeting this requirement, employers may be inadvertently compromising the wellbeing and welfare of their employees.
To read about our results in further detail, you can download our full survey findings here. If you wish to utilise any part of this data for editorial purposes, please credit Bunkabin at https://www.bunkabin.co.uk.